
The Atomic Collision Society of Japan (ACSJ)

The Atomic Collision Society of Japan (ACSJ) is an academic organization established in 1976 with a history more than 40 years. The aim of ACSJ is the promotion of research on atomic collisions and related fields in Japan, as well as facilitating international exchange and contributing to academic and cultural development. Originally, this society was established as Atomic Collision Research Association, and the name was changed to the Atomic Collision Society in 2012 in order to clarify the spirit of establishment and contribution as an academic organization.

As of 2024, the society has approximately 300 members, engaged in scientific fields covering:


Our activities are:

The contents include:

Annual meetings for the last 10 years were held at

Atomic Collision seminars for young researchers in recent years were held at

Winners for the last 10 years are:

President (2024–)

Executive committees (2024–)

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